This function displays a selection prompt using Spectre Console. The user can select an option from the list of choices provided. The function returns the selected option.
With the -EnableSearch
switch, the user can search for choices in the selection prompt by typing the characters instead of just typing up and down arrows.
Example 1
This example demonstrates a selection prompt with a custom title and choices.
$color = Read-SpectreSelection -Message "Select your favorite color" -Choices @("Red", "Green", "Blue") -Color "Green"# Type "↓", "↓", "↓", "↓", "↲" to wrap around the list and choose greenWrite-SpectreHost "Your chosen color is '$color'"
Example 2
This example demonstrates a selection prompt with a custom title and choices, and search enabled.
$color = Read-SpectreSelection -Message "Select your favorite color" -Choices @("Blue", "Bluer", "Blue-est") -EnableSearch# Type "b", "l", "u", "e", "r", "↲" to choose "Bluer"Write-SpectreHost "Your chosen color is '$color'"
The title of the selection prompt.
Type | Required | Position | PipelineInput | Aliases |
[String] | false | 1 | false | Title Question Prompt |
The list of choices to display in the selection prompt. ChoiceLabelProperty is required if the choices are complex objects rather than an array of strings.
Type | Required | Position | PipelineInput |
[Array] | true | 2 | false |
If the object is complex then the property of the choice object to use as the label in the selection prompt is required.
Type | Required | Position | PipelineInput |
[String] | false | 3 | false |
The color of the selected option in the selection prompt.
Type | Required | Position | PipelineInput |
[Color] | false | 4 | false |
The number of choices to display per page in the selection prompt.
Type | Required | Position | PipelineInput |
[Int32] | false | 5 | false |
If this switch is present, the user can search for choices in the selection prompt by typing the characters instead of just typing up and down arrows.
Type | Required | Position | PipelineInput |
[Switch] | false | named | false |
Type | Required | Position | PipelineInput |
[Int32] | false | 6 | false |
The color of the search highlight in the selection prompt. Defaults to a slightly brighter version of the accent color.
Type | Required | Position | PipelineInput |
[Color] | false | 7 | false |
Read-SpectreSelection [[-Message] <String>] [-Choices] <Array> [[-ChoiceLabelProperty] <String>] [[-Color] <Color>] [[-PageSize] <Int32>] [-EnableSearch] [[-TimeoutSeconds] <Int32>] [[-SearchHighlightColor] <Color>] [<CommonParameters>]