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Upgrading to v2

๐Ÿš€ Get the New Version

# Install the latest version
Install-Module PwshSpectreConsole -Scope CurrentUser
# or update your existing version to the latest
Update-Module PwshSpectreConsole -Scope CurrentUser

๐Ÿ’ฅ Breaking Changes

  • Out-SpectreHost is required if you want to render an item without additional whitespace above and below the item:
    • To enable the new features, the way the console handles the default host output has changed. Version 2 uses powershell formatting to render Spectre Console objects. When rendered to the terminal PowerShell pads these with a blank line before and after the renderable item.
      $data | Format-SpectrePanel | Out-SpectreHost will force the object to be rendered without padding.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Deprecations

  • Format-SpectreJson has had parameters deprecated:
    • -NoBorder, -Border, -Color, -Title, -Width, and -Height parameters no longer take any effect and will be removed in a future version.
      To wrap the json in a border you can now pipe the output to Format-SpectrePanel e.g. Format-SpectreJson -Data $data | Format-SpectrePanel

๐Ÿ†• New Features


Renderables are objects that can be rendered to the console. Most functions now return a renderable object instead of writing directly to the console host. This allows you to assign the output of a function to a variable and use it in other functions or redirect the output to a file. The renderable objects can also be used as inputs to other Spectre Console functions so you can build complex layouts.

renderable items inside tables

# Example of using renderable objects inside a table
$calendar = Write-SpectreCalendar -Date (Get-Date) -PassThru
$files = Get-ChildItem | Format-SpectreTable
$fruits = @(
    (New-SpectreChartItem -Label "Bananas" -Value 2.2 -Color Yellow),
    (New-SpectreChartItem -Label "Oranges" -Value 6.6 -Color Orange1),
    (New-SpectreChartItem -Label "Apples" -Value 1 -Color Red)
) | Format-SpectreBarChart -Width 45

    Calendar = $calendar
    Files = $files
    Fruits = $fruits
} | Format-SpectreTable -Color Cyan1

Live Rendering

The Invoke-SpectreLive function allows you to run a scriptblock and update a renderable item live in real-time. This allow you to build simple terminal user interfaces or live updating dashboards.

See the documentation for Invoke-SpectreLive for more information and examples.

Filebrowser example

All New Commandlets

New commandlets to make this PowerShell library compatible with the rest of the Spectre.Console C# library:

Updated Commandlets

  • Read-* - Most โ€œreadโ€ functions now accept a -TimeoutSeconds parameter after which, null is returned.
  • Write-* - Most โ€œwriteโ€ functions now have a -PassThru switch parameter that will return the renderable object instead of writing it to the host immediately.

What about the Canvas Widget?

The canvas widget is the lonely remaining widget that doesnโ€™t have a function to access it in this module. It is accessible enough that it doesnโ€™t make sense to implement in PowerShell. If you need to use it you can use the C# library directly e.g.

# Create a canvas
$canvas = [Spectre.Console.Canvas]::new(16, 16)

# Draw some shapes
for($i = 0; $i -lt $canvas.Width; $i++) {
    # Cross
    $canvas = $canvas.SetPixel($i, $i, [Spectre.Console.Color]::White)
    $canvas = $canvas.SetPixel($canvas.Width - $i - 1, $i, [Spectre.Console.Color]::White)

    # Border
    $canvas = $canvas.SetPixel($i, 0, [Spectre.Console.Color]::Red)
    $canvas = $canvas.SetPixel(0, $i, [Spectre.Console.Color]::Green)
    $canvas = $canvas.SetPixel($i, $canvas.Height - 1, [Spectre.Console.Color]::Blue)
    $canvas = $canvas.SetPixel($canvas.Width - 1, $i, [Spectre.Console.Color]::Yellow)

# Render the canvas
$canvas | Out-SpectreHost