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Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is Spectre Console?
    Spectre Console is a .NET library to help people create really, really, ridiculously good-looking console applications in C# and other languages. See for the original project.

  2. Why build PwshSpectreConsole?
    The C# library uses a lot of language features that are not easily accessible in PowerShell so PwshSpectreConsole wraps the library to make it easier to use for the basic use-cases.

  3. Why is this not written in C#?
    I wanted to see if I could do it in PowerShell and I think it’s a fun project. I also wanted to see if I could make it easier to use for PowerShell users to contribute if they’re not familiar with C#.

  4. How can I help?
    Check out the contributing guide at